Tuesday, April 4, 2023The Power of Archetypes with Lucinda Rae
In this episode of Soul Health Mentor, I have the pleasure to introduce you to Lucinda Rae from the Wealthy Empress Podcast.
If you’re soul-led like ...
Monday, April 3, 2023All About Woo Woo with John Verbrugge
In this episode of Soul Health Mentor, I had the pleasure to interview my good friend John Verbrugge about his upcoming book.
The Woo Woo Book: The ...
Friday, March 31, 2023Soul Health Mentor 2.0 Kick-Off: Happiness Is...
In this week’s episode, I am looking forward to sharing with you what has been cooking in the Soul Health Mentor Kitchen.
We will be speaking about ...
Friday, March 17, 2023German Bonus Episode: Schamanisches Singen & Sacred Activations mit Zarah Zyankali
In dieser Folge des Soul Health Mentor Podcasts habe ich die Freude dir Zarah Zyankali von Divine Vibrations - Göttliche Schwingungen - vorzustellen. ...
Sunday, March 12, 2023Reveal Your Essence with Christina Courtwright Jenkins
In this week’s Soul Health Mentor Podcast, I am speaking with Christina Courtwright Jenkins from the Essence Reveal Podcast.
We had a wonderful and ...
Thursday, March 2, 2023German Bonus Episode: Ausruhen und verdauen macht deine(n) Körper stark!
In dieser Folge von Soul Health Mentor rede ich nicht nur von einem Körper, sondern mehreren. Ich rede vom dem emotionalen Körper, dem mentalen Körper...
Sunday, February 26, 2023Rest & Digest: Build Your Body Strong!
Or should I say build your bodies strong?
Your emotional body. Your mental body. Your spiritual body. Your physical body.
In this week’s Soul Health M...
Saturday, February 25, 2023German Bonus Episode: Meine Botschaft für die spirituellen Krieger da draußen!
Was ist denn ein spirituelle*r Krieger*in ? In English nenne ich das gerne den Goddess Warrior. Warum erzähle ich dir in dieser Folge.
Auch teile ic...
Tuesday, February 21, 2023My Message For All the Goddess Warriors Out There!
So what is a Goddess Warrior? In this week’s Soul Health Mentor episode, I answer that question and I also share with you my unapologetic message for ...
Sunday, January 22, 2023The Magic of Intuition with Traci Chambers
In this week's Soul Health Mentor episode, I talk to Traci Chambers, Intuitive Guide, High Priestess Jeweler, and Author of "The Magic of Intuition".
Friday, January 20, 2023German Bonus Episode: Erschaffe Dein wundervolles Leben in natürlichen Rhythmen & Zyklen
In dieser Folge spreche ich mit dir darüber, wie du dein wundervolles Leben in natürlichen Rhythmen und Zyklen gestalten kannst.
Wenn du das tust, wir...
Sunday, January 15, 2023Create Your Wonder-Filled Life In Natural Rhythms & Cycles
In this week’s Soul Health Mentor episode, I am going to talk to you about creating your wonder-filled life in natural rhythms and cycles. When you do...