
The Soul Health Mentor Podcast is your guide to transforming your life through health, wellness, and the courage to follow your heart. It’s about taking inspired action to self-actualize your dreams while aligning with your Soul’s purpose. If you love deep, empowering conversations that ignite your passion for living authentically and intentionally, this is your invitation to tune in and begin your journey.

Summer Season launching June 1st, 2025!

We’re diving into the tools, stories, and strategies that will help you manifest your dreams while living a vibrantly nourishing lifestyle.

Our Recent Episodes

Sunday, November 6, 2022 Self-Care for New Moms with Dr. Obidi

In this week’s Soul Health Mentor episode I have the pleasure to introduce you to Dr. Emeka Obidi who is a board-certified pediatrician practicing in ...

Thursday, November 3, 2022 German Bonus Episode: Soul Power und die Geschichte vom Seelenheil

In dieser Folge von Soul Health Mentor spreche ich mit dir darüber, wie du es dir erlaubst alte Identitäten sterben zu lassen. Damit du tatsächlich wi...

Tuesday, November 1, 2022 Soul Power and the story of Soul Health

In this week’s episode of Soul Health Mentor, I am talking about allowing old identities to die so you can rise from those ashes to be born and transf...

Thursday, October 27, 2022 Sixteenth Bonus Episode in German: Vertraue dem Traum den Deine Seele für Dich hat

Im Soul Health Mentor Podcast dieser Woche spreche ich über etwas, das sich ziemlich nebulös anfühlen kann, weil es nicht etwas ist, das uns normalerw...

Monday, October 24, 2022 Trust the dream your Soul has for you

In this week’s Soul Health Mentor Podcast, I am talking about something that can feel quite nebulous because it is not something that we are typically...

Thursday, October 13, 2022 Fifteenth Bonus Episode in German - Die Kraft der Sprache mit Katrin Rippel Galati

Die Kraft der Sprache mit Katrin Rippel Galati Im Soul Health Mentor-Podcast dieser Woche hatte ich das Vergnügen mit Katrin Rippel Galato von Transla...

Sunday, October 9, 2022 Planting Bounty with Greg Peterson

In this week's Soul Health Mentor podcast I have had the absolute pleasure to interview urban farmer Greg Peterson on how he became an 𝘂𝗿𝗯𝗮𝗻 𝗳�...

Thursday, October 6, 2022 Fourteenth Bonus Episode in German: Bist du ein*e Träumer*in?

Bist du ein Träumer? Träumst du von einer neuen Lebensrealität und Erfahrung? Einem neuen und besseren Leben? Mit mehr Fülle. Mehr Seelenruhe, Seelenf...

Sunday, October 2, 2022 Are you a dreamer?

Are you dreaming of a new reality? A new and better life? With more abundance of Soul Health, fulfillment, purpose, meaning & prosperity? Yes? Then ...

Thursday, September 29, 2022 13th Bonus Episode in German: Tägliche Rituale, die positive Veränderungen bewirken

Im Soul Health Mentor Podcast dieser Woche spreche ich darüber, wie wichtig es ist, ein System von guten Gewohnheiten und Praktiken zu entwickeln. Es ...

Sunday, September 25, 2022 Daily Rituals That Create Positive Change

In this week’s Soul Health Mentor Podcast, I am talking about the importance of developing a system of good habits & practices as part of manifesti...

Thursday, September 22, 2022 Twelfth Bonus Episode in German - Body Love mit Nina Berzbach

Body Love mit Nina Berzbach! Im Soul Health Mentor-Podcast dieser Woche hatte ich das Vergnügen mit Nina Berzbach zu sprechen. Nina ist zertifizierter...

on 9/27/2022

You have to practice self-care as a sacred being and Nadia is amazing at guiding you in a variety of ways that you may not be even thinking of to experience Soul Health!!!
view on Apple Podcasts

on 7/5/2022

I love listening to Nadia talk about how to heal the whole person. The people she interviews and Her questions are thoughtful and thought-provoking. I always come away with a new idea. Thank you.
view on Apple Podcasts

on 5/18/2022

I really enjoy these podcasts and highly recommend everyone give them a listen. Nadia is authentic, open, knowledgeable, supportive, and relatable. Nadia shares without being preachy. I truly believe we can all benefit from listening to these podcasts!
view on Apple Podcasts

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