Let me tell you in this blog post!
If you learn how to choose the honor of listening to your heart’s desires and know the difference between what the authentic heart wants, versus what the “mind” thinks it wants or “contrives”…
…then you can use this energy to create your wonder-filled life in natural rhythms & cycles.
Tapping into and utilizing your Magic, receiving Soul Medicine & Miracles ( = Love in action) along the way!
Life will feel pleasant, expansive, empowering, and filled with the Grace of your heart & Soul.
If you have been ignoring your heart and allowing the mind to lead and be in control, life will serve you “incidences” to help nudge you out of that approach, so you can let the heart be your guide moving forward.
Take a quick moment to reflect on the past 7 months, since the beginning of the year.
What changes have entered your life?
What necessary changes are you resisting?
2023 carries the Universal energy of 7, asking you to combine your intuition ( your Heart) with your intellect, so your mind can become a Divine servant and is not holding you a slave to unpleasant life circumstances.
With this energy you are being called into service to yourself first ( only then can you be service to the world and others)… purpose, and the ability to self-regulate your subtle bodies.
(Subtle bodies = your physical body, mind, heart, Spirit & Soul!)
Internal and external change will become and IS becoming even more amplified.
Depending on what you choose to do with this energy, you can either be propelled in the direction of your highest vision or take a detour to learn more from often painful, unpleasant contrast, and outdated coping mechanisms & “triggers of survival”.
Regardless of which path you choose, big changes are just around the corner.
Soul Health Mentor Podcast will be showing you how to DO ‘out of your mind & into your heart' wisdom.
So you can BE ‘Happy. Healthy.Healed & Wealthy.’
In Power & Love,
Have you listened to my latest episode yet?
#81 It’s Not You, It’s Your Environment!
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